Circle Archives
Date |
Instructor University or Affiliation |
Topic |
Room Number |
Sep. 2
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Problem Solving I (Math Kangaroo Answer Table) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Combinatorics I: An Unsolved Tiling Puzzle (An Unsolved Tiling Puzzle, Counting Triangles, Border Patterns) (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Ian Le U. of Chicago |
Regular and Semi-Regular Polyhedra (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Paul Zeitz USF |
If Gauss Did It, You Can Too! (Advanced) |
736 |
Sep. 9 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Problem Solving II (Math Kangaroo Instructions) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Combinatorics II: An Unsolved Tiling Puzzle Continued (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Alexander Shapiro UCB |
Frieze Patterns (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Frank Sottile Simons Institute/Texas A&M |
Tartaglia/Cardano Solution of the Cubic Equation (Advanced) |
736 |
Sep. 16 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Problem Solving III (Math Kangaroo Instructions) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Combinatorics III: Combinatorial Geometry with Stars and Hypercubes (Star Counting, Defining Convexity, High Dimensional F-vectors,Hyperplanar Cross-Sections) (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Tom Davis San Jose Math Circle/Silicon Graphics |
Projective Geometry and Computer Graphics I(Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Alexander Shapiro UCB |
Frieze Patterns (Advanced) |
736 |
Sep. 23 |
Nadya Gurevich MSRI/Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
Venn Diagrams: Problem Solving (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Combinatorics IV: Combinatorial Geometry with Stars and Hypercubes Continued (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Tom Davis San Jose Math Circle, Silicon Graphics |
Projective Geometry and Computer Graphics II(Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Piotr Achinger UCB |
The Mathematics of Set (Advanced) |
736 |
Sep. 30 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Graph Theory I: Eulerian and Hamiltonian Paths(Star-Counting, Eulerian/Hamiltonian Paths/Cycles) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Geometry I (Session 1: Handout/Answers, Session 2: Handout, Session 3: Handout, Session 4: Handout/Answers, Session 5: Handout/Answers) (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Cornelia Anna Van Cott USF |
Sometimes pi is 4: An investigation of non-Euclidean Metrics I (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Daniel Disegni MSRI/McGill University |
Sequences (Advanced) |
736 |
Oct. 7
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Graph Theory II: Eulerian and Hamiltonian Paths Continued (Beginner) |
330 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Geometry I (Session 6: Handout/Answers, Session 7: Handout/Answers, Session 8: Handout/Answers, Session 9: Handout/Answers) (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Cornelia Anna Van Cott USF |
Sometimes pi is 4: An investigation of non-Euclidean Metrics II (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Gregorio Malajovich Simons Institute/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Solving Polynomials of Degree > 4 (Advanced) |
736 |
Oct. 14
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Graph Theory III: Trees, Planar Graphs and Polytopes (Beginner) |
330 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Geometry III (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Quan Lam Office of UC President/WTMC |
Number Theory - Divisibility (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Jonathan Shi Simons Institute/Cornell University |
Path Problems on Graphs (Advanced) |
736 |
Oct. 21 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Graph Theory IV: Trees, Planar Graphs and Polytopes (Beginner) |
330 |
Zsuzsanna Dansco and Stephen Morgan MSRI/Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada |
Constructions with straight-edge and compass and origami (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
AMC 8 Preparation (Areas of Math, Answer Table(Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Madhusudan Manjunath UC Berkeley |
Fun with algebraic structures (Advanced) |
736 |
Oct. 28 |
Alex Zorn UC Berkeley |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Human Knots and Star Braids (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Lior Pachter UC Berkeley |
Erdos' Happy Ending Problem (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Jarek Buczynski Simons Institute/Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences |
736 |
Nov. 4
Alex Zorn UC Berkeley |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Knots and Twisted Surfaces (Intermediate I) |
332 |
Zsuzsanna Dansco MSRI/Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada |
Knot Theory (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Paul Zeitz University of San Francisco |
If Abel did it, You can too! (Advanced) |
736 |
Nov. 11
Alex Zorn UC Berkeley |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Origami and Geometric Constructions (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Sam Hopkins Simons Institute/Cornell University |
AMC 8/10 Preparation (Handout #1, Handout #2) (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Ioannis Emiris Simons Institute/University of Athens, Greece |
Minkowski addition and Minkowski decomposition of convex lattice polygons in the plane (Advanced) |
736 |
Nov. 18 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Introduction to Cryptography (Beginner) |
330 |
BMC Staff BMC Staff |
AMC 8 (Intermediate Level I and II) |
Ted Courant Bentley High School |
Pushing the Envelope: Families of Curves in the Plane (Advanced) |
736 |
Nov. 25 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Mad Hatter Math (Beginner) |
330 |
Vera Serganova UC Berkeley |
Topics in Number Theory (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Ted Courant Bentley High School |
Pushing the Envelope: Families of Curves in the Plane (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Pratima Karpe Saint Mary's College |
736 |
Dec. 2
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Counting past 1000 on your fingers (Beginner) |
330 |
Paul Zeitz University of San Francisco |
Density I (Intermediate I) |
332 |
Chris Overton Ayasdi |
Number Theory (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Iryna Kashuba University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Combinatorics (Advanced) |
736 |
Dec. 9
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Code Combos (Beginner) |
330 |
Paul Zeitz University of San Francisco |
Density II (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Po-Shen Loh CMU |
Probability (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Daniel Juteau MSRI/Caen University |
Mathematics of Peg Solitare (Boards) (Advanced) |
736 |
Dec. 16 |
Frank Sottile Simons Institute/Texas A&M |
End-of-year Party: The Shape of Space
Joint session for BMC-Beginners, Intermediate I, Intermediate II, and Advanced. |
Lawrence Hall of Science |
Dec. 23 |
Winter and New Year's Break |
Dec. 30 |
Winter and New Year's Break |
Jan. 13
Ted Courant Bentley High School |
Mathematical Induction (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Cryptoanalysis ( Handout #1, Handout #2, Handout #3) (Intermediate I) |
332 |
Evan Chen Harvard University, BMC Alumnus |
Set Theory (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Evan O'Dorney Harvard University, BMC Alumnus |
Quadratic Forms, Ideals, and Bhargava Cubes (Advanced) |
736 |
Jan. 20
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Freedom of the Clones, Part I ( Handout, Grid #1,Grid #2) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Cryptoanalysis, Part II ( Handout #1, Handout #2,Handout #3) (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Evan Chen Harvard University, BMC Alumnus |
Triangle Centers (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Austin Shapiro Quarry Lane School, BMC Alumnus |
736 |
Jan. 27 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Freedom of the Clones, Part II ( Handout, Grid #1,Grid #2) (Youtube: Part I, Part II) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Cryptoanalysis, Part III (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Bernt Wahl UC Berkeley |
Fractals In Between Dimensions: A Gallery of Monsters (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Aaron Kleinman UC Berkeley |
Bidding Games (Advanced) |
736 |
Feb. 3
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Making your own Luck: Mathematical Game Theory and Designing AI, Part I (Beginner) |
330 |
Alex Zorn UC Berkeley |
Combinatorics and Recurrence, Part I (Intermediate I) |
332 |
BMC Staff BMC Staff |
AMC 10/12 Contest (Intermediate II and Advanced) |
Feb. 10
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Making your own Luck: Mathematical Game Theory and Designing AI, Part II (Beginner) |
330 |
Alex Zorn UC Berkeley |
Combinatorics and Recurrence Part II: Catalan Numbers (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Invariants and Monovariants, Part I ( Handout, Grid #1, Grid #2) (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Dmitry Kleinbock MSRI/Brandeis University |
Irrationality and Equidistribution (Advanced) |
736 |
Feb. 17 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Making your own Luck: Mathematical Game Theory and Designing AI, Part III (Beginner) |
330 |
Alex Zorn UC Berkeley |
Combinatorics and Recurrence Part III(Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Invariants and Monovariants, Part II ( Handout, Grid #1, Grid #2)(Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Eugenia Rosu UC Berkeley |
Mixed Problems (Advanced) |
736 |
Feb. 24 |
Staff Staff |
BAMO 8/12 Contest |
Mar. 3
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Making your own Luck: Mathematical Game Theory and Designing AI, Part IV (Beginner) |
330 |
Dimitar Grantcharov Univ. Of Texas Arlington |
BAMO Aftermath (Intermediate I) |
332 |
Piotr Achinger UC Berkeley |
BAMO Aftermath (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Austin Shapiro Quarry Lane School/BMC Alumnus |
BAMO Aftermath (Advanced) |
736 |
Mar. 10
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Plane Geometry: Three Squares and Shortest Paths, Part I ( Handout #1, Handout #2) (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Winning Games with Artificial Intelligence, Part I (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Jayadev Athreya MSRI/Illinois Geometry Lab, University of Illinois |
Corners, Sides, Faces, and Holes: An Introduction to Combinatorial Topology (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Lei Yang MSRI/Ohio State University |
Expressing Primes by Quadratic Forms and Quadratic Residues (Advanced) |
736 |
Mar. 17 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Plane Geometry: Three Squares and Shortest Paths, Part II (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Winning Games with Artificial Intelligence, Part II (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Piotr Achinger UC Berkeley |
Continued Fractions (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Elina Robeva UC Berkeley |
AIME Preparation (Advanced) |
736 |
Mar. 19 (Thurs) |
BMC Staff BMC Staff |
AIME I for Qualifiers |
Mar. 24 |
Spring Break |
Mar. 31 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Plane Geometry: Three Squares and Shortest Paths, Part III (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Winning Games with Artificial Intelligence, Part III (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Alon Amit Origami Logic |
Probability Paradoxes (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Alexander Shapiro UCB |
Group Theory in Combinatorics (Advanced) |
736 |
Apr. 7
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Plane Geometry: Three Squares and Shortest Paths, Part IV (Beginner) |
330 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Winning Games with Artificial Intelligence, Part IV (Intermediate I) |
332 |
Piotr Achinger UC Berkeley |
Pell's Equation (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Chris Overton Ayasdi |
Algebraic Topology - how doing algebra on shapes helps you understand your data (Advanced) |
736 |
Apr. 14
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Computational Origami, Part I (Beginner) |
330 |
Miklos Racz UC Berkeley |
Combinatorial Games, Part I (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Ted Alper EPGY/Stanford Math Circle |
Stable Matching Theorem ( Handout #1, Handout #2) (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Elwyn Berlekamp UC Berkeley |
Hat Problems & Elementary Error-Correcting Codes (Advanced) |
736 |
Apr. 21 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Computational Origami, Part II (Beginner) |
330 |
Miklos Racz UC Berkeley |
Combinatorial Games, Part II (Intermediate Level I) |
332 |
Ali Gurel Star League A-Star |
Geometric Constructions (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Richard Borcherds UC Berkeley |
Counting things up to Symmetry (Advanced) |
736 |
Apr. 28 |
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Computational Origami, Part III (Beginner) |
330 |
Quan Lam Office of UC President/WTMC |
332 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
Reconstructing Half of Mona Lisa...or...Extra Construction Problems in Geometry (Handout #1,Handout #2) (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Nicolas Saxce MSRI/Hebrew University |
TBA (Advanced) |
736 |
Apr. 28-29 |
BMC Staff BMC Staff |
USAMO/USAJMO for Qualifiers |
May. 5
Zandra Vinegar MoMath/Proof School Incubator |
Game Theory (Beginner) |
330 |
Bernt Wahl UC Berkeley |
Fractals In Between Dimensions: A Gallery of Monsters (Intermediate I) |
332 |
Zvezdelina Stankova BMC Director |
TBA (Intermediate Level II) |
740 |
Gabriel Carroll Stanford University |
Allocating Objects to People (Advanced) |
736 |
May 12
Michael Luby Simons Institute/EECS at UCB |
End-of-the-year Session: A two fingered mad hatter approach to coding theory Joint session for BMC-beginners, intermediate and advanced students |