Circle Archives
Date |
Instructor University or Affiliation |
Topic |
Room Number |
Sep. 3
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
Bulgarian Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School, Part I (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Tom Davis (San Jose Math Circle) |
740 Evans |
Piotr Achinger (UCB) |
Geometry with Complex Numbers (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Sep. 10 |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
Bulgarian Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School, Part II (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Tom Davis (San Jose Math Circle) |
740 Evans |
Piotr Achinger (UCB) |
Projective Geometry (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Sep. 17 |
Olga Radko (UCLA Math Circle) |
330 Evans |
Eugenia Rosu (UCB) |
Some Problems with Divisibility, Part I (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Evan Chen (BMC) |
736 Evans |
Sep. 24 |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
Bulgarian Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle School, Part IV (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Eugenia Rosu (UCB) |
Some Problems with Divisibility, Part II (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Codina Catar (MSRI/University of College, London) |
Probability Theory (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Oct. 1 |
Miklos Racz (UCB) |
330 Evans |
Shuangjian Zhang (MSRI/University of Toronto) |
740 Evans |
Tom Davis (San Jose Math Circle) |
"Cryptography" (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Oct. 8
Miklos Racz (UCB) |
330 Evans |
Brandy Wiegers (SFSU) |
740 Evans |
Matthias Beck (SFSU) |
From Pick's Theorem to Ehrhart Polynomials (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Oct. 15 |
Miklos Racz (UCB) |
Graph Theory III (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Maria Colombo (MSRI/SNS Pisa, Italy) |
Problem Solving in Combinatorics: Double Counting and Other Strategies (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Lilit Martirosyan (UCB) |
Polynomial Identities (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Oct. 22 |
Vera Serganova (UCB) |
Mathematical Induction (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
Counting Regions in the Plane, and More(Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Christina Sormani (MSRI/CUNY GC and Lehman College) |
Metric Spaces and Gromov Hausdorff Convergence (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Oct. 29 |
Paul Zeitz (USF) |
330 Evans |
Igor Ganichev (Vmware Inc.) |
Problem Solving: Circles and Angles in Plane Geometry, Part I (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Ernesto Nungesser (MSRI/Trinity College Dublin) |
Cosmology (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Nov. 5 |
Paul Zeitz (USF) |
330 Evans |
Igor Ganichev (Vmware Inc.) |
Problem Solving: Circles and Angles in Plane Geometry, Part II (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Emanuel Indrei (MSRI/University of Texas at Austin) |
Solving polynomial equations with circulant matrix theory (Exercises, Additional Reading) (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Nov. 12 |
Paul Zeitz (USF) |
330 Evans |
Alexander Givental (UCB) |
740 Evans |
Olga Holtz (UCB) |
Generating Functions (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Nov. 19 |
Alex Zorn (UCB) |
Probability and Random Walks, Part I (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
BMC Staff |
AMC 8 (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Austin Shapiro (BMC) |
The Stern-Brocot Tree, Rational Approximations, and Quadratic Forms (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Nov. 26 |
Alex Zorn (UCB) |
Probability and Random Walks, Park II (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Suresh Venkatasubramanian (Simons Institute/University of Utah) |
How to cut a cake (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
Restricted Patterns: Results and Open Questions (Advanced) - Handouts: Short Ver., Long Ver.,Exercise |
736 Evans |
Dec. 3 |
Alex Zorn (UCB) |
"Probability and Random Walks, Part III" (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Yi Wu (Simons Institute/Purdue University) |
Recursion (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Elwyn Berlekamp (UCB) |
Congruences (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Dec. 10 |
Alexander Shapiro (UCB) |
Encryption (Beginners) |
330 Evans |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
Freedom for the Clones and Conway Checkers: Invariants and Monovariants (Intermediate) (Youtube, Web Applet) |
740 Evans |
Po-Shen Loh (CMU) |
Counting (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Dec. 18 |
Winter and New Year Break |
Dec. 25 |
Winter and New Year's Break |
Jan. 1 |
Winter and New Year's Break |
Jan. 7 |
Roseanna Pealatere (Mills) |
330 Evans |
Aaron Kleinman (UCB) |
Secret Sharing (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Evan O'Dorney (Harvard University) |
Putnam Aftermath I (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Jan. 14 |
Ted Courant (Bentley) |
Counting is tricky. Some examples of combinatorics from geometry and algebra(Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Evan Chen (BMC) |
Parallelograms (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Evan O'Dorney (Harvard University) |
Putnam Aftermath II (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Jan. 21 |
Ted Courant (Bentley) |
330 Evans |
Chris Overton (BMC) |
Feel the heat - partial differential equations for heat and finite ways to approximate them(Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Cliff Stoll (Tehiyah) |
Mobius Strip and Klein Bottles (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Jan. 28 |
Ted Courant (Bentley) |
330 Evans |
Chris Overton (BMC) |
The Central Limit Theorem: a beautiful theory, and some ugly things that can happen when it doesn't apply (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Elina Robeva (UCB) |
Chip-Firing Games on Graphs (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Feb. 4 |
Eugenia Rosu (UCB) |
A bit of Number Theory (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
BMC Staff |
AMC 10/12 Contest (Intermediate/Advanced) |
736 and 740 Evans |
Feb. 11 |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
BAMO Prep (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Evan Chen (BMC) |
BAMO Prep (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Eugenia Rosu (UCB) |
BAMO Prep (Advanced) (Handout #1, Handout #2) |
736 Evans |
Feb. 18 |
Brandy Wiegers (SFSU) |
Organizing our Mathematical Thoughts! (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Maryanthe Malliaris (MSRI/University of Chicago) |
Sally and Sally "Trimathlon" and More (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Austin Shapiro (UCB) |
BAMO Prep (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Feb. 25 |
Staff |
BAMO 8/12 Contest |
740, 1015 |
Mar. 4
Alexander Shapiro (UCB) |
Math Tricks Everyone Should Know, Part I (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
BAMO Aftermath (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Andre Henriques (MSRI/Utrecht University) |
Regular Polyhedra in Four Dimensions (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Mar. 11
Alexander Shapiro (UCB) |
330 Evans |
Po-Shen Loh (CMU) |
Counting (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Sean Tilson (MSRI/Wayne State University) |
Moduli Spaces: What Object do all of the Conic Sections make? (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Mar. 13 |
Staff |
AIME I for qualifiers |
740 |
Mar. 18
Alexander Shapiro (UCB) |
330 Evans |
Michael Larson (MSRI/Indiana University, Bloomington Math Circle) |
The Pigeonhole Principle (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Joseph Hirsh (MSRI/MIT) |
Arrow's Impossibility Theorem, or Voting Paradoxes (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Mar. 25 |
Spring Break |
Apr. 1
Laura Ball (Williams College) |
Hexagonal Lattices (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Paul Zeitz (USF) |
Random Walks and Gambling, Part I(Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Piotr Achinger (BMC) |
Fun with Boxes (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Apr. 8
Ayelet Lindenstrauss (MSRI/Indiana University, Bloomington Math Circle) |
Modular Arithmetic Equations and the Euclidean Algorithm (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Paul Zeitz (USF) |
Random Walks and Gambling, Part II(Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Thomas Wasserman (MSRI/University of Oxford) |
Topology and the Fundamental Group (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Apr. 15
Dimitar Grantcharov (UTA) |
Games (Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Quan Lam (Office of UC President) |
Exploring Mathematics Through Problem Solving, Part I (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Matthias Beck (SFSU) |
Hyperplane Arrangements, Part I (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Apr. 22 |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
My Favorite Geometry Problems, Part I(Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Quan Lam (Office of UC President) |
Exploring Mathematics Through Problem Solving, Part II (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Matthias Beck (SFSU) |
Hyperplane Arrangements, Part II (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
Apr. 29 |
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
My Favorite Geometry Problems, Part II(Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Emily Riehl (MSRI/Harvard) |
Stable Marriage Problem (Worksheet) (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Richard Borcherds (UCB) |
Continued Fractions (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
April 29-30
BMC Staff |
USAMO for qualifiers |
May 6
Zvezdelina Stankova (Mills/UCB) |
My Favorite Geometry Problems, Part III(Beginner) |
330 Evans |
Tatiana Shubin (SJSU) |
Chromatic Numbers and Other Geometric Combinatorics Delights (Intermediate) |
740 Evans |
Paul Zeitz (USF) |
Random Walks (Advanced) |
736 Evans |
May 13
Alon Amit (Facebook/Origami Logic) |
End-of-the-year Event at Lawrence Hall of Science from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Joint session for BMC-Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students |