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Ideals and minimal characteristic polynomials

The same sequence can satisfy many different linear recurrences. For example, doubling (5) shows the Fibonacci sequence also satisfies

$\displaystyle 2 F_{n+2} - 2 F_{n+1} - 2F_n = 0,$

which is a linear recurrence with characteristic polynomial $ 2x^2-2x-2$. It also satisfies

$\displaystyle F_{n+3} - F_{n+2} - F_{n+1} = 0,$

and adding these two relations, we find that $ \{F_n\}$ also satisfies

$\displaystyle F_{n+3} + F_{n+2} - 3 F_{n+1} - 2 F_n = 0$

which has characteristic polynomial $ x^3+x^2-3x-2=(x+2)(x^2-x-1)$.

Now consider an arbitrary sequence $ \{a_n\}$. Let $ I$ be the set of characteristic polynomials of all linear recurrences satisfied by $ \{a_n\}$. Then

If $ f(x) \in I$ and $ g(x) \in I$ then $ f(x)+g(x) \in I$.
If $ f(x) \in I$ and $ h(x)$ is any polynomial, then $ h(x) f(x) \in I$.
In general, a nonempty set $ I$ of polynomials satisfying (a) and (b) is called an ideal.

Fact from algebra: Let $ I$ be an ideal of polynomials. Then either $ I=\{0\}$ or else there is a unique monic polynomial $ f(x) \in I$ such that

$\displaystyle I =$   the set of polynomial multiples of $f(x)$$\displaystyle = \{  h(x)f(x) \mid h(x)$    is a polynomial$\displaystyle  \}.$

(A polynomial is monic if the coefficient of the highest power of $ x$ is 1.)

This fact, applied to the ideal of characteristic polynomials of a linear recursive sequence $ \{a_n\}$ shows that there is always a minimal characteristic polynomial $ f(x)$, which is the monic polynomial of lowest degree in $ I$. It is the characteristic polynomial of the lowest order non-trivial linear recurrence satisfied by $ \{a_n\}$. The characteristic polynomial of any other linear recurrence satisfied by $ \{a_n\}$ is a polynomial multiple of $ f(x)$.

The order of a linear recursive sequence $ \{a_n\}$ is defined to be the lowest order among all (nontrivial) linear recurrences satisfied by $ \{a_n\}$. The order also equals the degree of the minimal characteristic polynomial. For example, as we showed above, $ \{F_n\}$ satisfies

$\displaystyle F_{n+3} + F_{n+2} - 3 F_{n+1} - 2 F_n = 0,$

but we also know that

$\displaystyle F_{n+2}-F_{n+1}-F_n=0,$

and it is easy to show that $ \{F_n\}$ cannot satisfy a linear recurrence of order less than 2, so $ \{F_n\}$ is a linear recursive sequence of order 2, with minimal characteristic polynomial $ x^2-x-1$.

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Zvezdelina Stankova-Frenkel 2000-09-20