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There are tons of books on algebraic number theory out there (some of
which don't assume very much from classical number theory). Some titles
that come to mind (with commentary):
- Esmonde and Murty, Problems in Algebraic Number Theory (beware of
the many small errors, hopefully to be corrected in a future edition)
- Ireland and Rosen, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number
Theory (a pretty good read, I'm told)
- Lang, Algebraic Number Theory (not an easy read, assumes undergraduate
- Marcus, Number Fields (mostly does examples)
- Neukirch, Algebraic Number Theory (not to be confused with his
other books, which are very difficult reading)
- Pollard and Diamond, The Theory of Algebraic Numbers (the avoidance
of abstract algebra makes this an easy read but obscures certain points)
Zvezdelina Stankova-Frenkel