The Berkeley Math Circle


BMC-Upper Staff: Contact only with emergency questions about BMC-Upper and MTRW (grades 5-12). Do NOT contact with questions re BMC-Elementary (grades 1-4).

BMC-Elementary: Direct your questions for grades 1-4 (BMC-Elementary) to


Zvezda Stankova

Zvezda Stankova

Director of the Berkeley Math Circle and Math Taught the Right Way

stankova at math dot berkeley dot edu

PhD, Teaching Professor, UC Berkeley


Julia Gottlieb

Julia Gottlieb

BMC-Upper Program Coordinator

jpgottlieb at berkeley dot edu

Julia Gottlieb is a UC Berkeley undergraduate studying Nuclear Engineering and Public Policy. She is excited to be a part of the BMC community and to support BMC students on their mathematics journey!

Liliana Mironova

Liliana Mironova

Math Taught the Right Way Program Coordinator

lily dot mironova at berkeley dot edu

Liliana Mironova is a UC Berkeley undergraduate aspiring to study neuroscience. She is a BMC and MTRW alumna and a longtime grader and assistant for the Summer programs. She is looking forward to giving back to the program that helped her thrive as a young student.

Noah Tran

Noah Tran

BMC-Upper Int I-II Assistant and MTRW Teaching Assistant

noahtran dot nt at gmail dot com

Noah is an undergraduate student at Berkeley studying Applied Math. He is also in the CalTeach program at Berkeley to pursue a career in math education. He is new to BMC and is very excited to work with everyone.

Current BMC Instructors

Man with shoulder length brown hair and facial hair wearing a graduation sash

Aaron Zaks

UC Berkeley

aaronzaks at berkeley dot edu

Man with brown hair and brown eyes smiles in front of the ocean

Adwait Godbole

UC Berkeley, EECS Dept

adwait at berkeley dot edu

Alon Amit

Alon Amit

Origami Logic

alon.amit at gmail dot com

Amy Fire

Amy Fire

PhD in Statistics, UCLA

Arkady Vaintrob

University of Oregon

Associate Professor, Eugene Math Circle

vaintrob at uoregon dot edu

Arun Sharma

Arun Sharma

UC Berkeley
Man with brown hair and navy button down.

Avishay Tal

UC Berkeley, EECS Dept

atal at berkeley dot edu

Bernt Wahl

Bernt Wahl

UC Berkeley

berkeley at gmail dot com

Brian Conrad

Brian Conrad

Stanford University

Professor of Mathematics

conrad at math dot stanford dot edu

woman with brown hair and white sweater smiling in front of a blue background

Catherine Cannizzo

UC Berkeley

ckacannizzo at berkeley dot edu

Chris Overton

Chris Overton


Data scientist, Stanford University (Ph.D. Algebraic Topology)  

chrisoverton at yahoo dot com

Man with brown hair and glasses.

Daniil Dmitriev

Simons Institute

dmitrievdaniil97 at gmail dot com

Woman with brown hair and glasses in front of a lake.

Daria Martynova

ETH Zurich

dmartynova at ethz dot ch

Woman with brown hair and glasses wearing a purple sweater taking a photo.

Elysée Wilson-Egolf

bmc.elementary.Elysee at gmail dot com


Espen Slettnes

BMC Student and Instructor

Previous MC Designer and Coordinator

MIT Undergraduate student

BMC Alumn

USAMO Gold Award Winner

Woman with short black hair and glasses smiles in front of a white background

Felicia Lim

MTRW Instructor
Hannah Cairo

Hannah Cairo

BMC Student and Instructor
Woman with brown hair and bangs against a dark gray patterned background

Isabella Arcoleo

UC Berkeley

iarcoleo at berkeley dot edu

Izzy Meckler


ihmeckler at gmail dot com

Jelani Nelson

Jelani Nelson


Postdoctoral Fellow in Theoretical Computer Science

minilek at alum dot mit dot edu

Justin Yokota

UC Berkeley, EECS Department

jyokota at berkeley dot edu

Woman with black hair and gray blouse smiling

Lydia Zakynthinou

Simons Institute/UC Berkeley, EECS Dept

lydiazak at berkeley dot edu

Olga Holtz

Olga Holtz

UCB Professor of Mathematics

holtz at math dot berkeley dot edu


Patricio Angulo

via Oyé Productions

UC Berkeley Alumnus (MCB)

patricio.oye at gmail dot com


Paul Zeitz

Paul Zeitz

University of San Francisco

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics 

zeitz at usfca dot edu

Man with brown hair in front of a lake.

Peter Koroteev

UC Berkeley, Math Dept

bmc.elementary.Peter at gmail dot com


Pratima Karpe

IIT Bombay/SUNY at Buffalo

Saint Mary's College

Quan Lam

Quan Lam

Office of the UC President


quan.lam at berkeley dot edu


Ted Alper

Stanford Math Circle

tmalper at stanford dot edu

Man with brown hair and beard with glasses smiling at the camera.

Thomas Browning

UC Berkeley, Math Dept

tb1004913 at berkeley dot edu

Previous BMC Instructors


Daniel Rostamloo

UC Berkeley

Math Major

drostamloo at berkeley dot edu

Aaron Abrams

Aaron Abrams

Research Fellow

MSRI/Emory University
Atlanta Math Circle

abrams at mathcs dot emory dot edu

Aaron Kleinman

Aaron Kleinman

23andMe, Mountain View

aaronkleinman at gmail dot com


Adam Smith

Simons Institute/ Boston University
Adrien Kassel

Adrien Kassel

Graduate Student

École Normale Supérieure, France/MSRI

adrien.kassel at ens dot fr

Alain Valette

Alain Valette

MSRI/Universite de Neuchatel, Switzerland

Alain.Valette at unine dot ch

Alex Saltman

Alex Zorn

Alex Zorn

UCB Graduate Student

awzorn at gmail dot com

Alexander Furman

Alexander Furman

MSRI/University of Illinois, Chicago

furman at uic dot edu

Alexander Givental

Alexander Givental

UCB Professor of Mathematics

giventh at math dot berkeley dot edu


Alexander Paulin

UCB Lecturer of Mathematics
Alexander Shapiro

Alexander Shapiro

UCB Graduate Student

alexander.m.shapiro at gmail dot com

Ali Gurel

Ali Gurel

AlphaStar Academy (South Bay Area)

aligurel at alumni dot caltech dot edu


Alina Ene

Simons Institute

Boston University

Amos Fiat

Amos Fiat

Simons Institute/Tel Aviv U.

fiat at tau dot ac dot il

Andre Henriques

Andre Henriques

MSRI/Utrecht University

Assistant Professor of Mathematics 

a.g.henriques at uu dot nl

Andrea Jedwab

Andrea Jedwab

Tehiyah Day School/ Saint Mary's College

anjedwab at gmail dot com

Andrew Dudzik

Andrew Dudzik

UCB Graduate Student

adudzik at gmail dot com


Annie Raymond

MSRI /University of Washington
Anuj Dawar

Anuj Dawar

Simons/U. Cambridge, UK

anuj.dawar at cl dot cam dot ac dot uk

Anupam Das

Anupam Das

UCB/Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France

anupam.das at ens-lyon dot fr

Art Benjamin

Art Benjamin

Harvey-Mudd College

Professor of Mathematics

benjamin at math dot hmc dot edu

Austin Shapiro

Austin Shapiro

Proof School

BMC Alumnus

austin.shapiro at gmail dot com

Ayelet Lindenstrauss

Ayelet Lindenstrauss

MSRI/Indiana University 

Associate Professor of Mathematics, Bloomington Math Circle

alindens at indiana dot edu

Benjamin Moseley

Benjamin Moseley

Simons/Washington U.

bmoseley at wustl dot edu

Bernd Sturmfels

Bernd Sturmfels


bernd at math dot berkeley dot edu

Bjorn Poonen

Bjorn Poonen

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Professor of Mathematics 

poonen at math dot mit dot edu

Brandy Wiegers

Brandy Wiegers

Outreach and Student Success Program Director

Center for Science and Mathematics Education, SCI 211, San Francisco State University

bwiegers at sfsu dot edu

Brian Williams

MSRI/Northwestern U.

Bruno Benedetti

MSRI/University of Miami

Carsten Schuett

MSRI/Christian-Albrechts University, Germany

Charles Doran

MSRI/University of Alberta

Professor of Mathematics


Charles Fougeron


charles dot fougeron at normalesup dot org


Chris Kottke

MSRI/New College of Florida

ckottke at ncf dot edu

Christina Sormani

Christina Sormani

MSRI/CUNY GC and Lehman College

Professor of Mathematics

sormanic at gmail dot com


Christopher Lynch

St. Theresa School

CPL.FinancialLit at gmail dot com

Ciprian Demeter

Ciprian Demeter

MSRI/Indiana U Bloomington

demeterc at indiana dot edu

Claudiu Raicu

Claudiu Raicu

Princeton University

Postdoctoral Fellow

claudiu at math dot berkeley dot edu

Cliff Stoll

Cliff Stoll

Tehiyah Day School


kleinbottle at kleinbottle dot com


Codina Cotar

MSRI/University College, London

Assistant Professor of Statistical Science 

c.cotar at ucl dot ac dot uk

Man smiles in front of bookshelf

Cody Strouse

UC Davis

Mathematics Graduate student

crstrouse at berkeley dot edu

Cornelia Anna Van Cott

Cornelia Anna Van Cott

University of San Francisco

cvancott at usfca dot edu


Cynthia Vinzant

Simons Institute/NCSU
Dagan Karp

Dagan Karp

Harvey Mudd College

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

dkarp at math dot berkeley dot edu

Woman with short black hair smiles in front of trees

Dami Lee

MSRI/U. Washington

damilee at uw dot edu

Dan Asimov

Dan Asimov

UC Berkeley

asimov at msri dot org

Dan-Andrei Geba

Dan-Andrei Geba

University of Rochester

Associate Professor

dangeba at math dot rochester dot edu

Dana Paquin

Dana Paquin

Stanford Math Circle/EPGY

Head of Mathematics Programs Director

dpaquin at stanford dot edu


Daniel Disegni

MSRI/McGill University

daniel.disegni at gmail dot com


Daniel Grieser

MSRI/Universität Oldenburg

daniel.grieser at uol dot de

Daniel Juteau

Daniel Juteau

MSRI/Caen University (Normandy, France)

daniel.juteau at gmail dot com

Danielle Fong

Danielle Fong

LightSail Energy

Danielle is a co-founder and the chief scientist at LightSail Energy, a green energy startup company that applies advances in thermodynamics to challenges in energy storage and generation. She publishes essays at

daniellefong at daniellefong dot com

Dave Auckly

Dave Auckly


Associate Director

auckly at msri dot org


Davi Maximo

MSRI/Stanford University

maximo at math dot utexas dot edu


David Gomprecht

Dalton School/New York Math Circle
Dimitar Grantcharov

Dimitar Grantcharov

University of Texas Arlington

Associate Professor of Mathematics

grandim at uta dot edu

Dimitri Zvonkine

Dimitri Zvonkine

MSRI/University Paris-VI

Researcher in Mathematics

dimitri dot zvonkine at gmail dot com

Dimitry Kleinbock

Dimitry Kleinbock

MSRI/Brandeis University

kleinbock at brandeis dot edu

Dmitry Fuchs

Dmitry Fuchs

UC Davis

Professor of Mathematics

fuchs at math dot ucdavis dot edu


Dmitry Vaintrob


Visiting Assistant Professor


Dustin Mixon

Simons/Ohio State University

Assistant Professor

mixon.23 at osu dot edu

Eddy Li

Eddy Li

Monthly Contest Designer and Coordinator

Eddy is a high schooler and a BMC alumnus. He really enjoys mathematics, especially number theory and abstract algebra. Eddy is excited to team up with other students and incite their love for mathematics through the Monthly Contests!

Eleonara Di Nezza

Eleonara Di Nezza

MSRI/Imperial College, London

e.di-nezza at imperial dot ac dot uk

Elina Robeva

Elina Robeva

UCB Graduate Student

erobeva at berkeley dot edu

Ellen Kulinsky

Ellen Kulinsky


B.A. UC Berkeley, UCLA Math Circle, BMC-Elementary

ekulinsky at aopsacademy dot org

Elwyn Berlekamp

Elwyn Berlekamp

UC Berkeley

Professor Emeritus of Mathematics 

berlek at gmail dot com

Emanuel Indrei

Emanuel Indrei

MSRI/University of Texas at Austin

Postdoctoral Fellow

eindrei at math dot utexas dot edu


Emiliano Gomez

UCB Lecturer

emgomez at berkeley dot edu

Emily Riehl

Emily Riehl

MSRI/Harvard University

Postdoctoral Fellow

eriehl at math dot harvard dot edu


Eran Nevo

MSRI/Hebrew University

Professor at Einstein Institute of Mathematics


Eric Allender

Rutgers University

Distinguished Professor

allender at cs dot rutgers dot edu


Eric Hallman

UCB Ph.D. candidate

Eric Price

Simons Institute/ U Texas, Austin

Assistant Professor in Computer Science

Man wearing a graduation cap smiles before a white background

Erik Herrera

erik_herrera at berkeley dot edu

Ernesto Nungesser

Ernesto Nungesser

MSRI/Trinity College Dublin

Postdoctoral Fellow

ernesto.nungesser at gmail dot com

Ethan Dlugie

Ethan Dlugie

UC Berkeley
Eugene Veklerov

Eugene Veklerov

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Emeritus
Eugenia Rosu

Eugenia Rosu

UCB Graduate Student

rosu at math dot berkeley dot edu

Evan Chen

Evan Chen

Harvard University 

BMC Alumnus

chen.evan6 at gmail dot com

Evan O'Dorney

Evan O'Dorney

Princeton University 

BMC Alumnus

eodorney at princeton dot edu

Federico Ardila

Federico Ardila

San Francisco State University

Associate Professor

federico at math dot sfsu dot edu

Frank Sottile

Frank Sottile

Simons Institute/Texas A&M University

sottile at hilbert dot math dot tamu dot edu


Gabriel Carroll

Stanford University

gabriel dot d dot carroll at gmail dot com

Gregorio Malajovich

Gregorio Malajovich

Simons Institute/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

gregorio.malajovich at gmail dot com

Grigor Sargsyan

Grigor Sargsyan

Rutgers University

Associate Professor of Mathematics

grigor at math dot rutgers dot edu


Henri Picciotto

Math Education Consultant and Curriculum Developer, The Urban School of San Francisco, University of San Francisco

henri at mathed dot page



Hong Chen

Toronto/Radiation Oncology, Keiser

Ph.D. Physics

hongchenmc at gmail dot com

Ian Le

Ian Le

University of Chicago

iantuanle at gmail dot com

Igor Ganichev

Igor Ganichev

Ph.D. UC Berkeley

Google Inc.

igor at cs dot berkeley dot edu

Ilia Smilga

Ilia Smilga

MSRI/École Normale Supérieure, France

smilga at clipper dot ens dot fr

Ioana Dumitriu

Ioana Dumitriu

University of Washington, Seattle

Adjunct Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics

dumitriu at math dot berkeley dot edu

Ioannis Emiris

Ioannis Emiris

Simons/University of Athens, Greece

emiris at di dot uoa dot gr


Irene Lo

Stanford/Columbia U.

ilo at stanford dot edu

Iryna Kashuba

Iryna Kashuba

UC Berkeley

 University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

ikashuba at gmail dot com


Jacob Shapiro

MSRI/Australian National U.

jzshapiro at gmail dot com

James Propp

James Propp

UCB/University of Massachusetts Lowell

Professor of Mathematics

jamespropp at gmail dot com


James Sethian

UCB Professor

Jarek Buczynski

Simons/Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Mathematics

jabu at mimuw dot edu dot pl


Jayadev Athreya

MSRI/U. Washington. Illinois Geometry Lab, University of Illinois

jathreya at uw dot edu

Jesse Thorner

Jesse Thorner

MSRI/Emory University

jesse dot thorner at gmail dot com

Joanna Ochremiak

Joanna Ochremiak

Simons/UPC Barcelona

joanna dot zakrzewska at gmail dot com

Joe Buhler

Joe Buhler


Former Deputy Director
Director, Centre for Communications Research, San Diego

buhler at ccrwest dot org

John McSweeney

John McSweeney


Research Assistant Professor

john dot mcsweeney80 at gmail dot com

John Schulman

John Schulman

UCB Graduate Student

joschu at berkeley dot edu


Joseph Hirsh


Instructor in Pure Mathematics

josephhirsh at gmail dot com


Joshua Zucker


Jueliette Bruce


Postdoctoral fellow

juliette.bruce at berkeley dot edu


Katrina Morgan

MSRI/UNC-Chapel Hill

katri at live dot unc dot edu

Keith Ball

Keith Ball

MSRI/London's Global University (UCL)

Professor of Mathematics

kmb at math dot ucl dot ac dot uk

Keith Conrad

Keith Conrad

University of Connecticut

Professor of Mathematics

kconrad at math dot uconn dot edu

Kelli Talaska pfp

Kelli Talaska

Executive Director of Math Taught the Right Way

mtrw at berkeley dot edu

PhD in Mathematics; Continuing Lecturer at UC Berkeley


Ken Ribet

UC Berkeley

Professor of Mathematics, AMS President


Khrystyna Serhiyenko

University of Kentucky at Lexington

Assistant Professor

Kim Eunjung

Kim Eunjung

Simons Institute

eunjungkim78 at gmail dot com

Kiran Kedlaya

Kiran Kedlaya


Associate Professor of Mathematics

kedlaya at mit dot edu


Kolya Malkin


kolya_malkin at hotmail dot com


Konstantin Kakaes

Simons Institute

kakaes at berkeley dot edu


Kristin DeVleming


UCSD Postdoctoral fellow

Man with ID badge smiles in front of sunny day

Kyle Devereaux

UC Berkeley

devereauxk at berkeley dot edu

Laura Pierson

Laura Pierson

University of Waterloo

BMC Alumna, MC Coordinator, USAJMO Winner

lcpierson73 at gmail dot com

Lei Yang

Lei Yang

MSRI/Ohio State University

lyang861028 at gmail dot com


Lingfu Zhang

Miller fellow at UC Berkeley, Department of Statistics

lfzhang at berkeley dot edu

Lior Pachter

Lior Pachter

UC Berkeley

lpachter at math dot berkeley dot edu


Lisa Goldberg

UCB/ Aperio Group
Madhusudan Manjunath

Madhusudan Manjunath

UC Berkeley

madhu at berkeley dot edu


Maia Averett

Mills College

Associate Professor of Mathematics


Manuel Sabin

Simons/UC Berkeley

UCB Ph.D. candidate


Marcus Khuri

MSRI/Stony Brook University

Professor of Mathematics

khuri at math dot sunysb dot edu

Maria Colombo

Maria Colombo

MSRI/Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy)

Ph.D. Student

maria.colombo at sns dot it

Maria Gillespie

Maria Gillespie

UC Berkeley

monks at math dot berkeley dot edu


Mark Penney

Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics

markdpenney at gmail dot com

Maryanthe Malliaris

Maryanthe Malliaris

MSRI/University of Chicago

L.E. Dickson Instructor

mem at math dot uchicago dot edu


Masha Vlasenko


Research fellow
Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw


Matt Beck

Matt Beck

San Francisco State University

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Matthew Anderson

Matthew Anderson

Simons/Union College, NY

andersm2 at union dot edu


Matyas Sustik


Software Engineer


Melanie Matchett Wood


mmwood at berkeley dot edu

Michael Hutching

Michael Larsen

Michael Larsen

MSRI/Indiana University 

Professor of Mathematics
Bloomington Math Circle

mjlarsen at indiana dot edu

Michael Luby

Michael Luby

Simons Institute

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley

theluby at ieee dot org


Michelle Chu

MSRI/University of Illinois, Chicago

Postdoctoral fellow and Research Assistant Professor

michu at uic dot edu


Mihai Munteanu

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Postdoctoral fellow in Mathematics

Mikael Passare

Mikael Passare

University of Stockholm

Professor of Mathematics

passare at math dot su dot se

Miklos Racz

Miklos Racz


Graduate Student in Statistics

racz at stat dot berkeley dot edu


Milo Moses

UC Santa Barbara, BMC Alumnus

Student of mathematics

Mira Bernstein

Mira Bernstein

Cambridge, MA

Researcher in Health Economics,
Canada MathCamp Founder and Director

mirabernstein at gmail dot com

Nadya Gurevich

Nadya Gurevich

MSRI/Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

ngur at math dot bgu dot ac dot il

Natalya St. Clair

Natalya St. Clair

Harvey Mudd College/University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nathanael Fijalkow

Nathanael Fijalkow

Simons/U. Oxford (UK)

nathanael.fijalkow at cs dot ox dot ac dot uk

Ngoc Tran

Ngoc Tran

UC Berkeley

Graduate Student in Statistics

tran at stat dot berkeley dot edu

Nick Andersen

Nick Andersen


nandersen at math dot ucla dot edu


Nick Davidson

MSRI/University of Oklahoma

Postdoctoral fellow in Mathematics

Nicolas Saxce

MSRI/Hebrew University

saxce at ma dot huji dot ac dot il


Nikhil Sahoo

Undergraduate Mathematics Major at UC Berkeley

nikhil dot sahoo at berkeley dot edu


Norm Prokup

College Preparatory School

Norm_Prokup at college-prep dot org

Olga Maleva

Olga Maleva

MSRI/University of Bermingham (UK)

Paata Ivanisvili

MSRI/Kent State University

Assistant Professor at UC Irvine


Pablo Ocal

MSRI/Texas A&M University

pablosanchezocal at gmail dot com

Paul Melvin

Paul Melvin

Bryn Mawr College

Professor of Mathematics

pmelvin at brynmawr dot edu

Woman with long brown hair smiles in front of a hill

Paula Verdugo


paula.verdugo at hdr dot mq dot edu dot au

Peter Bates

Peter Bates

MSRI/Michigan State

bates at math dot msu dot edu

Peter Selinger

Peter Selinger

Simons/Dalhousie University

selinger at mathstat dot cal dot ca

Peter Winker

Peter Winker


Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science

peter.winkler at dartmouth dot edu

Petra Munih

Petra Munih


Ph.D. Biophysics/Structural Biology

pmunih at gmail dot com


Pierre Simon

UCB Assistant Professor
Piotr Achinger

Piotr Achinger

UCB Graduate Student

piotr.achinger at gmail dot com

Po-Shen Loh

Po-Shen Loh

Carnegie Mellon University

Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences,
Leader of the USA International Math Olympiad Team

ploh at cmu dot edu

Pooja Rao

SUNY, Stony Brook

Department of Mathematics


Ramon van Handel

MSRI/Princeton University

Associate Professor

Richard Borcherds

Richard Borcherds

UCB Professor of Mathematics

reb at math dot berkeley dot edu

Robert Bryant

Robert Bryant



bryant at msri dot org


Robert Kleinberg

Simons/Cornell University
Robert Kusner

Robert Kusner

MSRI/U. Massachusetts at Amherst

kusner at math dot umass dot edu

Robin Hartshorne

Robin Hartshorne

UC Berkeley

Professor of Mathematics

robin at math dot berkeley dot edu


Roy Zhao


UC Berkeley Alumn

roy.h.zhao at gmail dot com

Sam Hopkins

Sam Hopkins

Simons/Cornell University

samhop at cs dot cornell dot edu

Sam Vandervelde

Sam Vandervelde

St. Lawrence University

Assistant Professor

samv at mandlebrot dot org


Samir Khuller


Chair of Computer Science at Northwestern University

Sanjam Garg

Sanjam Garg

UC Berkeley


sanjamg at berkeley dot edu


Sara Tukachinsky


sarabt1 at gmail dot com


Sarah Firestone

Bishop O'Dowd, UCB alumna

sarahrfirestone13 at berkeley dot edu 

Sean Howe

Sean Howe

MSRI/Stanford University

Assistant Professor in Mathematics at University of Utah

seanpkh at gmail dot com

Sean Tilson

Sean Tilson

MSRI/Wayne State University

Graduate Student

stilson at wayne dot edu

Sebastian Weinberger

Sergei Ovchinnikov

Sergei Ovchinnikov

San Francisco State University

Professor of Mathematics

sergei at sfsu dot edu


Sergei Tabachnikov

MRSI/Penn State University



Serkan Hosten

San Francisco State University


serkan at sfsu dot edu

Shay Moran

Shay Moran


shaymoran1 at gmail dot com

Shmuel Weinberger

Shmuel Weinberger

MSRI/University of Chicago

Professor of Mathematics

shmuel at math dot uchicago dot edu

Shuangjian Zhang

Shuangjian Zhang

MSRI/University of Toronto

Graduate Student

shuangjian.zhang at mail dot utoronto dot ca


Sofya Raskhodnikova

Simons/Boston University

Professor and Associate Chair of the Faculty, Computer Science


Stephen Morgan


stephen dot morgan at sydney dot edu dot au

Sungjin Im

Sungjin Im

Simons/UC Merced


sim3 at ucmerced dot edu

Suresh Venkatasubramanian

Suresh Venkatasubramanian

Simons/University of Utah

Assistant Professor at School of Computing

suresh at cs dot utah dotedu

Svente Linusson

Svente Linusson

MSRI/Stockholm University (Sweden)

Professor of Mathematics

linusson at math dot kth dot se


Svetlana Roudenko

MSRI/George Washington

roudenko at gwu dot edu


Swati Gupta

MSRI/Georgia Tech

Assistant Professor at H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering


Sylvy Anscombe

University of Central Lancashire/University of Paris
Tatiana Shubin

Tatiana Shubin

San Jose State University

shubin at math dot sjsu dot edu

Ted Courant

Ted Courant

The Bentley School 

Math Department Chair 
Oakland/East Bay Math Circle

tcourant at bentleyschool dot net

Thomas Wasserman

Thomas Wasserman

MSRI/University of Oxford

thomaswasserman at gmail dot com

Tom Davis

Tom Davis

Silicon Graphics Co-founder

Ph.D., San Jose Math Circle Organizer

tomrdavis at earthlink dot net

Tom Rike

Tom Rike

Oakland High School/Oakland Math Circle

Mathematics Teacher

tricycle222 at mac dot com


Tomasz Tkocz

MSRI/Carnegie Mellon University

Assistant Professor (Department of Mathematical Sciences), Princeton


Tomer Kotek

Tomer Kotek

Simons/Vienna U. of Technology

kotek at forsyte dot at

Ugo Montanari

Ugo Montanari

Simons/Universita di Pisa (Italy)

ugo at di dot unipi dot it


Vadim Volodsky

MSRI/University of Oregon
Valentin Tonita

Valentin Tonita

Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Japan)

Project Researcher

valentin.tonita at ipmu dot jp

Vera Vertesi

Vera Vertesi


CLE Moore Instructor 

vertesi at math dot mit dot edu


Walaa Moursi

Simons Institute/University of Calgary

Postdoctoral fellow

University of Calgary, Canada

William Meyerson

William Meyerson


meyerson at msri dot org

Wung-Kum Fong

Wung-Kum Fong

MIT Alumnae

wungkum at alum dot mit dot edu

Yael Degany

Yael Degany

UCB Graduate Student

yael at math dot berkeley dot edu


Yun Lu

Simons/University of Edinburgh at sms dot ed dot ac dot uk

Yvonne Lai

Yvonne Lai

University of Michigan

RTG Assistant Professor

lai at umich dot edu

Man with a beard smiles in front of a gray fence

Zack Judson

DeAnza Community College

Former UCB Lecturer

judsonzack at deanza dot edu

Zandra Vinegar

Zandra Vinegar


z.ch3cooh at gmail dot com

Zhiren Wang

Zhiren Wang


Postoctoral Fellow

zhirenw at msri dot org

Zili Wang

ziliwang271 at gmail dot com


Zsuzsanna Dancso


zsdancso at gmail dot com

BMC Hall of Fame

Aaron Agulnick

BMC-Upper Program Assistant

aagulnick at berkeley dot edu

Aaron is a UC Berkeley undergraduate majoring in Mathematics. He is excited to work with bright young mathematicians and help them see the parts of math that made him fall in love with the subject. 

Alexandra Michel

Alexandra Michel
Assistant for BMC-Beginners & BMC-Intermediate I

amichel at mills dot edu

Alexandra Michel is a student at Mills College, where she is working on her BA in Mathematics. She hopes to go on to a PhD program in mathematics after graduating from Mills in spring of 2015. In addition to doing math, she loves to dance, travel, and meet new people. 

Anna Vardapetyan

Math Taught the Right Way Administrative Assistant

annav.2000 at berkeley dot edu

Anna is an undergraduate at UC Berkeley majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology and Public Health with a minor in Data Science. She's excited to work at the BMC because it reminds her of her unusual and fun upbringing in mathematics. She's an alumna of the Russian School of Mathematics.


Elliot Chang

Elliot Chang
Math Taught the Right Way Administrative Assistant

mtrw-staff at berkeley dot edu

Elliot is a UC Berkeley undergraduate studying Molecular and Cell Biology. He is also a BMC alumnus, and excited to help propel the next generation of scholars into mathematics!

Harry Main-Luu

B.A (UCB), Ph.D. Student (UW-Madison)

BMC-Upper Admin and MTRW Assistant (2016-2019), BMC and MTRW Instructor (2017-2019)

hailuu89 at berkeley dot edu

Harry is an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, majoring in pure Mathematics with a minor in Creative Writing and a minor in Cal Teach. Prior to transferring to Berkeley, Harry worked as a Performance Manager at the multi-venue theater Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, Orange County. Harry was born and raised in Vietnam where mathematics was taught very differently. BMC and MTRW bring back fond childhood memories when he developed his love for the blackboard and the colorful chalks.

Hojae Lee

Hojae Lee
Berkeley Math Circle-Upper Assistant

lee.hojae.93 at gmail dot com

Undergraduate Student at UC Berkeley


Ivan Matic

Ivan Matic
BMC Assistant

matic at math dot berkeley dot edu

Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University

Assistant Professor, Baruch College, CUNY

Lilit Martirosyan

Lilit Martirosyan
BMC Assistant

lilit at math dot berkeley dot edu

Math Graduate Student at UC Berkeley


Margaret Braun

Math Taught the Right Way Administrative Assistant

margaretcbraun at berkeley dot edu

Margaret is an undergraduate at UC Berkeley majoring in psychology and minoring in education. She has been lucky to work with MTRW throughout the pandemic and see how it has been able to teach math effectively both in-person and remotely. She is also active in campus organizations such as the NSLS and does research work in learning disabilities.

Nikolay Grantcharov

Nikolay Grantcharov
Assistant for Berkeley Math Circle Upper

nikolayg at berkeley dot edu

Nikolay is a undergraduate at UC Berkeley majoring in Mathematics.


Niraek Jain-Sharma

Math Taught the Right Way Administrative Assistant

niraekjs at berkeley dot edu

Noah Lee

Noah Lee
Assistant for Berkeley Math Circle Upper

koreannoah at berkeley dot edu

Noah is a undergraduate at UC Berkeley majoring in Applied Mathematics. Outside of class, Noah enjoys hanging out with friends, going to the gym, playing video games, and trying new foods. 


Ovya Ganesan

BMC-Upper Assistant

ganesanovya at berkeley dot edu

Ovya loves the BMC because it gives young students the chance to develop a passion for math, whereas that passion may otherwise not be fostered in regular school curriculums. She will be graduating from UC Berkeley in May of 2020 with a Molecular and Cellular Biology- Genetics degree. She will be moving on to pursue a 1 year Master's of Public Health at The Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Practice before hopefully heading to medical school. 

Update May 2021- Ovya will be attending Dartmouth's Geisel School of Medicine in the fall of 2021. 


Roseanna Pealatere

Roseanna Pealatere
Academic Assistant for BMC-Beginners

eat_good_dirt at yahoo dot com

Roseanna is a senior at Mills College in Oakland. She is a major in Mathematics and a minor in Biology. She is also beginning a Master's program in Education and plans to pursue her teaching credentials in Mathematics and Biology for teaching in junior high and high schools.

Ryan Quan

BMC-Upper Program Coordinator

ryanquan at berkeley dot edu

Ryan is a UC Berkeley undergraduate majoring in Molecular & Cell Biology. His love for the Berkeley Math Circle stems from both his own enjoyment of math as well as the depth and unique angles in which it is taught through the program. 

Selena Ding

BMC-Upper Assistant

s.ding18 at berkeley dot edu

Selena majored in Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley. She loves the Berkeley Math Circle because math is too cool to only be taught in school.

Yaron Greenwald

Yaron Greenwald
Assistant for BMC-Beginners

cm256 at comcast dot net

Yaron recently graduated from Berkeley High School and five years of attending Math Circle as a student. He will be starting at Brandeis next fall.